Hi there, I'm a noobie here although I've been lurking for a while, so go a bit easy on me please.
Having searched and googled and not found any answers, here's my problem. I've just replaced my aged and dilapidated Raleigh conversion with an On-One Pompino as the bottom bracket shell broke away from the seat tube on the Raleigh. Whilst I love riding the Pomp fixed, I'm really not confident through the traffic while commuting yet. I wanted to set it up fixed/free to have the best of both worlds. I've got an ACS freewheel which i fitted to one side of the hub, but when it's screwed on it binds up on the spokes, preventing it from ratcheting around. I'm thinking that this is because it is a double fixed hub and the freewheel needs a bigger shoulder to mate against. So my questions are,
1/ Is there a different type of freewheel that will fit without binding? or
2/ Is there a fixed/free hub available in 120 OLND which will give a 42mm chainline both sides?
I know that the consensus will be to HTFU and ride it fixed but this really isn't an option on my commuting ride at the moment, as it's like Death Race 2000 getting into Woolwich on a bikeand I've already had a couple of 'Oh shit' moments where I've tried to freewheel.
Hi there, I'm a noobie here although I've been lurking for a while, so go a bit easy on me please.
Having searched and googled and not found any answers, here's my problem. I've just replaced my aged and dilapidated Raleigh conversion with an On-One Pompino as the bottom bracket shell broke away from the seat tube on the Raleigh. Whilst I love riding the Pomp fixed, I'm really not confident through the traffic while commuting yet. I wanted to set it up fixed/free to have the best of both worlds. I've got an ACS freewheel which i fitted to one side of the hub, but when it's screwed on it binds up on the spokes, preventing it from ratcheting around. I'm thinking that this is because it is a double fixed hub and the freewheel needs a bigger shoulder to mate against. So my questions are,
1/ Is there a different type of freewheel that will fit without binding? or
2/ Is there a fixed/free hub available in 120 OLND which will give a 42mm chainline both sides?
I know that the consensus will be to HTFU and ride it fixed but this really isn't an option on my commuting ride at the moment, as it's like Death Race 2000 getting into Woolwich on a bikeand I've already had a couple of 'Oh shit' moments where I've tried to freewheel.
TIA for any help.