I decided i'd build my own out of an old dawes i've had for ages. That was about 9 months ago! Powder coated it, got a nice saddle for free, bought some nitto drop handle bars for cheap when i was in Japan, getting hold of some nice hubs and mavic open pro's this weekend (finally)... then getting someone to build up the wheels up for me soon i hope...
In trying to do it as cheap as possible, and happening to have wildly oscillating funds and time on my hands I could have had a baby by now. It also didn't help that I replaced my back wheel, cassette and chain on my geared tourer. As soon as i'd done that, a lot of the urgency drained away from the build project because cycling on the old tourer suddenly felt like flying...
but i wouldn't have it any other way, buying a complete bike would feel like a cop out.
I decided i'd build my own out of an old dawes i've had for ages. That was about 9 months ago! Powder coated it, got a nice saddle for free, bought some nitto drop handle bars for cheap when i was in Japan, getting hold of some nice hubs and mavic open pro's this weekend (finally)... then getting someone to build up the wheels up for me soon i hope...
In trying to do it as cheap as possible, and happening to have wildly oscillating funds and time on my hands I could have had a baby by now. It also didn't help that I replaced my back wheel, cassette and chain on my geared tourer. As soon as i'd done that, a lot of the urgency drained away from the build project because cycling on the old tourer suddenly felt like flying...
but i wouldn't have it any other way, buying a complete bike would feel like a cop out.
the story continues,
good luck!