Anyone know how to pronounce 'Veloce'? I have loads of parts in my shed and keep wondering if I sound like a prick when I say 'vey-lo-chay' to other cyclists.
Come to think of it, how do you pronounce 'Campagnolo'? I'm so used to saying 'campag' that I've never stopped to think if it was 'cam-pag-no-lo' or with a silent 'g', as in 'cam-pan-iolo'.
Anyone know how to pronounce 'Veloce'? I have loads of parts in my shed and keep wondering if I sound like a prick when I say 'vey-lo-chay' to other cyclists.
Come to think of it, how do you pronounce 'Campagnolo'? I'm so used to saying 'campag' that I've never stopped to think if it was 'cam-pag-no-lo' or with a silent 'g', as in 'cam-pan-iolo'.