thanks for the tips. Tempting to get a Jpz one if I can find one for my size (which is tough as I'm 6'1:) so it's likely I'll have to get one made. Maybe a Panasonic or Level. I speak some Japanese, though, so I should be okay with ordering etc.
The only downside is that keirin bikes on the road are two a penny. Tonight, when I cycled through Shibuya, someone photographed my Pearson Touche--I guess it's different. Maybe I'll get one here and one more from the UK.
thanks for the tips. Tempting to get a Jpz one if I can find one for my size (which is tough as I'm 6'1:) so it's likely I'll have to get one made. Maybe a Panasonic or Level. I speak some Japanese, though, so I should be okay with ordering etc.
The only downside is that keirin bikes on the road are two a penny. Tonight, when I cycled through Shibuya, someone photographed my Pearson Touche--I guess it's different. Maybe I'll get one here and one more from the UK.