So you've prompted me to think about getting a torque wrench tynan. I know I always over tighten everything, not caused me any problems yet but i'm sure it will one day. I'm sat at work so can't check any manuals, what range of Nm do bike parts fit into? A cursary glance on the web suggests a wrench doing tight to broken bike is quite cheap but loose to tight is more expensive. Help me narrow my search.
So you've prompted me to think about getting a torque wrench tynan. I know I always over tighten everything, not caused me any problems yet but i'm sure it will one day. I'm sat at work so can't check any manuals, what range of Nm do bike parts fit into? A cursary glance on the web suggests a wrench doing tight to broken bike is quite cheap but loose to tight is more expensive. Help me narrow my search.