Maybe thats because your the one chatting away with them whilst i wait to be served? (joke!)
I have no opinion one way or the other on BC, been in there numerous times, never been blown away, and never been pissed off by them, though they did patch me up along time ago when i messed myself up in the bowl, so props to them for that.
But thats my point, if someone got arsey about my LBS then i would defend it, but the fact is everyone has their off days, and smaller shops who are matey with their regulars tend to polarise customers more than larger stores as it is easy to ignore cutomers without realising it. I spent 4+ years working in snowboard and skate shops all over the world, and the fact is you win some you loose some when it comes to customer service.
Whats important to me is how a shop responds to the issue, which from what i can tell why shops Like BLB have a bad name, and shops like BC a loyal following.
BC is not my LBS but it used to be. Also several exengers that I know well work (and worked) there. I am good friends with the more senior co-op members, and I was a member of Brixton Cycles Club.
Did you seriously expect that you wouldn't get seriously flamed when you posted this thread? You need to either ask BC for their comments or delete yours. Just because they have given you bad service (something that everyone here agrees with, based on what you have said), does not give you the right to defame the shop without giving them the right of reply.
BC is not my LBS but it used to be. Also several exengers that I know well work (and worked) there. I am good friends with the more senior co-op members, and I was a member of Brixton Cycles Club.
Did you seriously expect that you wouldn't get seriously flamed when you posted this thread? You need to either ask BC for their comments or delete yours. Just because they have given you bad service (something that everyone here agrees with, based on what you have said), does not give you the right to defame the shop without giving them the right of reply.