Brakeless hipster dude this morning between Brixton and Waterloo, hoody and right leg rolled up with a yard of Jap selvage showing... Noice bars, baby... THEN... Gawping geezer about an hour ago while I was on the way to Brixton Tesco's ATM, the Arrospok is sweet isn't it? Or maybe my flies were undone... Who knows/cares? :)
Brakeless hipster dude this morning between Brixton and Waterloo, hoody and right leg rolled up with a yard of Jap selvage showing... Noice bars, baby... THEN... Gawping geezer about an hour ago while I was on the way to Brixton Tesco's ATM, the Arrospok is sweet isn't it? Or maybe my flies were undone... Who knows/cares? :)