There's a difference between skidding, and skid stopping - the former is done by leaning forward, thus promoting a long slide, the latter is done with bum on, or just off seat, and is designed to slow you down, however inefficiently.
Strong legs or nay hussy, you're going to majorly fuck your knees up even attempting to skid stop 49x16. I'd reccomend 49x19. I ride 50x19 and find it heavy enough to get decent speed up, but easy enough to slow down without a brake (although I have a brake fitted on my bike).
When the lever arrives for your clamp on brake, put it on - if only for safety's sake. I haven't used the brake on my current bike yet, but I feel confident going fast knowing it's there if something bad happens.
48x14 tynan? are you insane?
There's a difference between skidding, and skid stopping - the former is done by leaning forward, thus promoting a long slide, the latter is done with bum on, or just off seat, and is designed to slow you down, however inefficiently.
Strong legs or nay hussy, you're going to majorly fuck your knees up even attempting to skid stop 49x16. I'd reccomend 49x19. I ride 50x19 and find it heavy enough to get decent speed up, but easy enough to slow down without a brake (although I have a brake fitted on my bike).
When the lever arrives for your clamp on brake, put it on - if only for safety's sake. I haven't used the brake on my current bike yet, but I feel confident going fast knowing it's there if something bad happens.
tynan do you really ride 48x14?? why?