The vulnerability of cyclists to be recognised by affording
them the same rights as pedestrians, including but not limited
to the ability to cross roads according to safety, not traffic
i find that counter productive. people worked pretty ahrd to get bikes classified as vehicles here, and though often people don't realize it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk, as well as unsafe by perpetuating the myth that cyclists don't have rights to the road it endangers more cyclists lives.
by saying theyre no more than pedestrians this would eliminate the ability to ride on the road in theory. just saying. this is a bad idea.
them the same rights as pedestrians, including but not limited
to the ability to cross roads according to safety, not traffic
i find that counter productive. people worked pretty ahrd to get bikes classified as vehicles here, and though often people don't realize it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk, as well as unsafe by perpetuating the myth that cyclists don't have rights to the road it endangers more cyclists lives.
by saying theyre no more than pedestrians this would eliminate the ability to ride on the road in theory. just saying. this is a bad idea.