to be honest, I don't really think i'm going to need a range beyond the 14-42 (olympus) or 18-55, as what I will primarily be photographing is my own art work/friends, and my friends generally like me, so I don't have to photograph them from a distance.
At least at the moment.
The things that annoyed me with the K100D were the white balance, which tended to be hard to get right, and the fact that you were severely limited to the lenses you could use.
I'm guessing that it's easier to get lenses/3rd party lenses for Nikon and canon?
Also I'm lazy and I want my camera to autofocus for me. I noticed the D60 (and I'm guessing the D40) don;t have autofocus built into the body and rely on the lens to do it. I'm also guessing the VR lens has an autofocus motor built in?
The Sony A10 has VR built into the body, so you don't have to buy (expensive) VR lenses.
The Sony A10 has VR built into the body, so you don't have to buy (expensive) VR lenses.
"*I'm guessing that it's easier to get lenses/3rd party lenses for Nikon and canon?
Yes, you have decades of lenses to choose from.