I've done what you're about to do with an on one single speed disk hub and a bolt on cog. Outer ring ended up working for me on the chainline front but you may have to change you b.b to fiddle it a bit I was lucky.
Also if you are running the bike on road consider putting 700c wheels in it for extra b.b height. You can use a coomponents Pauls v brake on the front with 700c wheel and use the same canti studs. Enjoy.
I've done what you're about to do with an on one single speed disk hub and a bolt on cog. Outer ring ended up working for me on the chainline front but you may have to change you b.b to fiddle it a bit I was lucky.
Also if you are running the bike on road consider putting 700c wheels in it for extra b.b height. You can use a coomponents Pauls v brake on the front with 700c wheel and use the same canti studs. Enjoy.