Depends on budget. At one end of the scale you've got goldtec, at the other you've got Formula/Zenith (~£20), which typically has a long enough axle to space to at least 126mm (maybe 130mm too). WOrst case scenario you can space something to 126mm and squeeze the stays of the 130mm bike together to fit it. I'd avoid using the same method to fit a 120mm hub into 130mm drops though...
Depends on budget. At one end of the scale you've got goldtec, at the other you've got Formula/Zenith (~£20), which typically has a long enough axle to space to at least 126mm (maybe 130mm too). WOrst case scenario you can space something to 126mm and squeeze the stays of the 130mm bike together to fit it. I'd avoid using the same method to fit a 120mm hub into 130mm drops though...