Thanks very much for your kind offers gents, I may well take you up on them if I can't get what I'm after online. Took the bike for a spin yesterday just around the block (albeit on half flat tyres - cheapo, crap, plastic pump). How weird is trying to get one foot into a strap and cage while it's going around and you're pedaling with the other foot?! And then corners, remembering not to stop pedaling because if you do the bike starts jerking! And braking by applying pressure through the pedals - that's actually quite satisfying but still odd!
Thanks very much for your kind offers gents, I may well take you up on them if I can't get what I'm after online. Took the bike for a spin yesterday just around the block (albeit on half flat tyres - cheapo, crap, plastic pump). How weird is trying to get one foot into a strap and cage while it's going around and you're pedaling with the other foot?! And then corners, remembering not to stop pedaling because if you do the bike starts jerking! And braking by applying pressure through the pedals - that's actually quite satisfying but still odd!