• #4027
get a peugeot. seriously. cheap as shit, convert easy.
• #4029
look who the seller is, free advertising db, eh?
• #4030
royce ti bb
Every ti BB I have had has been too flexy to use SS or fixed - my Tune AC38 would drop the chain under power, it flexed that much !
For sale: Tune AC38 hardly used, the very pinnacle of light and posh BBs - great for road use, less than ideal for fixed/SS.
• #4031
royce are something else though.
At least that is what i have heard. -
• #4032
royce are something else though.
At least that is what i have heard.Titanium is flexible.
People but titanium frames for this very quality. It is used in BBs for weight compromise, nothing else, alluminium is lighter, steel stronger.
If Royce stuff is stiffer they must be using their own special alloy of titanium ?
Anyhow the name alone makes me want to own something by 'Royce', that and a 'Rolls' saddle.
• #4033
I lost a pair of Royce (geared) hubs laced to GP4 rims on t'bay a few weeks ago.. went for £34.
It still hurts. -
• #4034
I like the idea of rebadging old frames with silly names like:
Harry Monk, or Alfie Noakes
i'm on the look out for a track frame.
either a Sally Pickle, June Whitfield or a Gaynor Pride -
• #4035
Heh, yeah me and some friends want to get a herd of 'Barry Toxteth' frames/bikes on the road; a made up midget frame builder from Manchester...Watch this space.
Here's the headbadge i've already designed:
• #4038
Wouldn't even call it a 'fake', it's just a set of decals. Anyway, a real colnago could never be such a sensible colour, s'physically unpossible.
• #4042
is putting people off paying £299it will end up costing at least £88 more when you factor in the repair costs from mercian.
• #4043
yeah but the bits on the bike are worth at least that much, never mind the frame...
• #4044
(not that i'm advocating buying it and stripping it down... just surprised nobody's jumped at it yet)
• #4045
you're right, I expect someone will do exactly that, and restore the frame and be happy.
• #4047
a little bit off subject, but good for the old school bmxers out there, from french e-bay!
http://listings.ebay.fr/Cyclisme-Velos-Trottinettes_Velos-hommes_W0QQcatrefZC6QQfromZR45QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQga10244Z10425QQlopgZ8QQsabfmtsZ1QQsacatZ115207QQsaobfmtsZinsifQQsasltZ2QQsocmdZListingItemList -
• #4048
470 for a wrongster?!?!??!?!?!?
• #4049
What the fuck.... it probably didn't cost him much more than £470 brand new...
• #4050
that is just WRONG!
I know, I was lusting over it. But again, more than I can pay.. Think its an unrealistic plan for the moment, until I get another job, or a time-machine, or sell something..
Think I'll stick with road-conversion summer bike, and maybe a Pompino for light touring/winter duties.