Finally picked up a 60's 531 track frame I'd heard about a few months back from a distant family friend (replete with mudguard eyes & drilled for brakes front & back - it was made to spec!). It's a bit tired & rusty though feels sound, however needs blasting & stove enamelling but don't want to pay too much as hoping to spec bike and get in decent running order as cheap as possible (as much 2nd hand as possible). If I can make out the head badge I think it says Stows of Ealing.
To give me the option I might go flip flop hub (will one fit? How much can you cold set the rear?), F&B brakes. It was 27" wheel size but for cheapness & convenience I think I'll try to fit it up 700c.
23" BTW, usually ride 24 & 1/2" on a geared road bike.
Finally picked up a 60's 531 track frame I'd heard about a few months back from a distant family friend (replete with mudguard eyes & drilled for brakes front & back - it was made to spec!). It's a bit tired & rusty though feels sound, however needs blasting & stove enamelling but don't want to pay too much as hoping to spec bike and get in decent running order as cheap as possible (as much 2nd hand as possible). If I can make out the head badge I think it says Stows of Ealing.
To give me the option I might go flip flop hub (will one fit? How much can you cold set the rear?), F&B brakes. It was 27" wheel size but for cheapness & convenience I think I'll try to fit it up 700c.
23" BTW, usually ride 24 & 1/2" on a geared road bike.
Am I on a hiding to nothing? :-/