I used to live on Kingswood Rd, just behind Brixton Hill, near the prison. Fairly OK area but still no Holland Park. It was also 10mins walk to Clapham
Some matey from Foxtons came round to value it. Described the area as 'Abbeville* Village East'!! WTF!?
*For those that don't know Abbeville Rd is a highly sought after, poncey street in Clapham full of bars, estate agents and florists
I used to live on Kingswood Rd, just behind Brixton Hill, near the prison. Fairly OK area but still no Holland Park. It was also 10mins walk to Clapham
Some matey from Foxtons came round to value it. Described the area as 'Abbeville* Village East'!! WTF!?
*For those that don't know Abbeville Rd is a highly sought after, poncey street in Clapham full of bars, estate agents and florists