I photoshoped my ticket aswell for 9 months from Ascot to Waterloo for me and my misses for the daily commute... at the time it was £70 each per week pass... It was like printing money. It took me a bit of time to set up the template and colour callaborate the print, but once it was done, I could change dates & splice on the rear of a real ticket with metallic strip in about 10 mins... it became a shitty Sunday night ritual but was worth it.
fuck overpriced, overpacked, delayed trains... make your own (not trains... tickets)
I photoshoped my ticket aswell for 9 months from Ascot to Waterloo for me and my misses for the daily commute... at the time it was £70 each per week pass... It was like printing money. It took me a bit of time to set up the template and colour callaborate the print, but once it was done, I could change dates & splice on the rear of a real ticket with metallic strip in about 10 mins... it became a shitty Sunday night ritual but was worth it.
fuck overpriced, overpacked, delayed trains... make your own (not trains... tickets)