the 605 is good, but as with some TomTom's sometimes the map is a bit on the random side. I have been caught out by a couple of random routes.
Also the route calculation is SLOW if you're on the go, apart from that its a winner. I find the most use I get out of it, is if I'm heading somewhere I havent been before or for seeing where you are if you're a bit lost and want to get to a main road or something (I always get lost in soho its a talent of mine)
What I also like is that you can find things like the local cashpoints and useful shit like that on it as well
the 605 is good, but as with some TomTom's sometimes the map is a bit on the random side. I have been caught out by a couple of random routes.
Also the route calculation is SLOW if you're on the go, apart from that its a winner. I find the most use I get out of it, is if I'm heading somewhere I havent been before or for seeing where you are if you're a bit lost and want to get to a main road or something (I always get lost in soho its a talent of mine)
What I also like is that you can find things like the local cashpoints and useful shit like that on it as well