where is this place, exactly? if you don't mind.....
It's in Aylesbury - Buckinghamshire. Hope I haven't painted it as some magical fixed wheel wonderland, with frames hanging on trees from their horizontal dropouts, but it's always good to go to a place where they haven't got wind of the fixed wheel 'craze' that's going on, and get bikes for their actual price...
As for the apocalypse... It was bound to happen sooner or later. I remember when it happened with skate and BMX - twice. I hate to sound like some fixed wheel warrior, but I knew the moment I got on my Raleigh, as low as the bottom bracket and big as the frame was, that I'd be doing this regardless of whether it was seen to be cool or not. The thing that worries me is the way prices will be affected once the kids have had their fun. We might have a golden age of being able to get frames and parts for stupidly cheap, but when that dries up, who knows...
It's in Aylesbury - Buckinghamshire. Hope I haven't painted it as some magical fixed wheel wonderland, with frames hanging on trees from their horizontal dropouts, but it's always good to go to a place where they haven't got wind of the fixed wheel 'craze' that's going on, and get bikes for their actual price...
As for the apocalypse... It was bound to happen sooner or later. I remember when it happened with skate and BMX - twice. I hate to sound like some fixed wheel warrior, but I knew the moment I got on my Raleigh, as low as the bottom bracket and big as the frame was, that I'd be doing this regardless of whether it was seen to be cool or not. The thing that worries me is the way prices will be affected once the kids have had their fun. We might have a golden age of being able to get frames and parts for stupidly cheap, but when that dries up, who knows...