Using this rationale, everyone would buy their furniture from Habitat and their suits from Saville Row, their cycle clothing from Rapha. The fact that they don't means that there is definitely a market for these bikes, and that is all that matters.
Buying something rip off and crap is actually DISCOURAGING the new to an activity, cos they start to think they're shit at it, whereas its probably that their equipment is shit. It really is a bad idea to get the knock off thing, when as someone above said, you can get a langster or fuji for almost as little, which isn't so shite. This is a GREAT example, the 'toy' skateboard. No skater ever did anything on one of these. You HAVE to get a proper one, you actually CAN'T skate on one of these, they''re just not fit for purpose.
Buying something rip off and crap is actually DISCOURAGING the new to an activity, cos they start to think they're shit at it, whereas its probably that their equipment is shit. It really is a bad idea to get the knock off thing, when as someone above said, you can get a langster or fuji for almost as little, which isn't so shite. This is a GREAT example, the 'toy' skateboard. No skater ever did anything on one of these. You HAVE to get a proper one, you actually CAN'T skate on one of these, they''re just not fit for purpose.