was in Swindon over the weekend for the white horse challenge. whitehorsechallenge route/times here. note these aren't my data. I did the route a little quicker than that seen above, elapsed time of 6:17, estimated riding time of approx 5:50.
pretty sure i was the only one on a fixed wheel. 74 gear inches (48/17) was a bit steep, one of the climbs was signposted at 17% grade!
The route was 90 miles, feeder ride from Swindon was c. 10miles, making yesteday my first century, fixed or otherwise. chuffed with the result.
so hippy, how did you get on?
was in Swindon over the weekend for the white horse challenge.
whitehorsechallenge route/times here. note these aren't my data. I did the route a little quicker than that seen above, elapsed time of 6:17, estimated riding time of approx 5:50.
pretty sure i was the only one on a fixed wheel. 74 gear inches (48/17) was a bit steep, one of the climbs was signposted at 17% grade!
The route was 90 miles, feeder ride from Swindon was c. 10miles, making yesteday my first century, fixed or otherwise. chuffed with the result.
so hippy, how did you get on?