After a bit of looking around and reading comments, I decided to go with the Kryptonite new york chain. Still gold secure, lighter than Faghedaboutit and I can hopefully adjust the length around my waist.
I'm going to pair it with a full set of pitlocks. Realised the other day that nothing on my bike is insured unless the whole bike is taken.
So getting just one, really strong, lock seems a bit pointless. I'd rather my whole bike was stolen than just a wheel, bars or saddle.
The logic then goes that the weakest point on the whole lock setup should really be the one that links the bike to the immovable object. The lower limit on this being whatever still validates my insurance.
Thanks all!
After a bit of looking around and reading comments, I decided to go with the Kryptonite new york chain. Still gold secure, lighter than Faghedaboutit and I can hopefully adjust the length around my waist.
I'm going to pair it with a full set of pitlocks. Realised the other day that nothing on my bike is insured unless the whole bike is taken.
So getting just one, really strong, lock seems a bit pointless. I'd rather my whole bike was stolen than just a wheel, bars or saddle.
The logic then goes that the weakest point on the whole lock setup should really be the one that links the bike to the immovable object. The lower limit on this being whatever still validates my insurance.