Hi fromemory
Sorry about your bike, had mine niked on friday (post with pic to follow)
I was quicky havin' a look at this thread before posting details of my beloved stolen fixie and I must say although mine was nowhere to be seen there was a bike at bricklane market this morning that looked just like yours!!
Don't get too excited tho...I noticed it 'cause it had two huge locks and a bunch of asbo yufs hanging right by it...
Good luck and keep looking on gumtree as well, a few stole ones have popped up there.
Oww... the thought of the possibility of my bike being at BL Market pains me to the bone. It was savage, there was a gig which I absolutely had to play that very morning (squat party in Hammersmith, needed the cash) and I couldn't be in both places at the same time. I really hope that whoever ends up with my beautiful beast respects it big-time. I've bought another Etape now, and a Kryptonite NY lock to secure the deal. Hard times in the city... thanks for listening and looking out people :)
Oww... the thought of the possibility of my bike being at BL Market pains me to the bone. It was savage, there was a gig which I absolutely had to play that very morning (squat party in Hammersmith, needed the cash) and I couldn't be in both places at the same time. I really hope that whoever ends up with my beautiful beast respects it big-time. I've bought another Etape now, and a Kryptonite NY lock to secure the deal. Hard times in the city... thanks for listening and looking out people :)