I too have a Bianchi Pista. Bought a flat mtb bar for a fiver from my local bike shop and sawed the ends off with a hacksaw cos it's way too wide.
Fitted a Dirt Harry brake lever and a Shimano Tiagra front caliper brake. Also Oury grips which're nice.
It's a real nice setup - very comfy.
If you want a freewheel you should also fit a rear brake - the rear fork is not drilled for this though - so search these threads - there's one about clip-ons
I too have a Bianchi Pista. Bought a flat mtb bar for a fiver from my local bike shop and sawed the ends off with a hacksaw cos it's way too wide.
Fitted a Dirt Harry brake lever and a Shimano Tiagra front caliper brake. Also Oury grips which're nice.
It's a real nice setup - very comfy.
If you want a freewheel you should also fit a rear brake - the rear fork is not drilled for this though - so search these threads - there's one about clip-ons