they range from 12mm to 16mm
dt's spokecalc gives a 1mm of difference for spoke length between ERD of 608 and 609.
other calcs give the same.
gives me 298 and 294 @ 609 for the hubs I'm using, so I'm going to go with that as it's usually better to round up, it shouldn't be too far out if the ERD is 608.
they range from 12mm to 16mm
dt's spokecalc gives a 1mm of difference for spoke length between ERD of 608 and 609.
other calcs give the same.
gives me 298 and 294 @ 609 for the hubs I'm using, so I'm going to go with that as it's usually better to round up, it shouldn't be too far out if the ERD is 608.