why is the velib a sht idea? please explain. (ignoring the fact that london's full of theiving opportunistic vandalising cnts that would probably find a way to screw up the system)
ive seen the viennese version of the free bike rental scheme. i thought it was great. the stations and the bikes are loaded with advertising which suggests that is what's largely funding the whole scheme. cant see any cons even if it's fully funded by the gov't.
why is the velib a sht idea? please explain. (ignoring the fact that london's full of theiving opportunistic vandalising cnts that would probably find a way to screw up the system)
ive seen the viennese version of the free bike rental scheme. i thought it was great. the stations and the bikes are loaded with advertising which suggests that is what's largely funding the whole scheme. cant see any cons even if it's fully funded by the gov't.