I just returned from Denmark (see attached pictures) and cyclists are seen in a very different light. They get right of way over cars, have parking everywhere and live in a culture where there are so many bikes that a tiny lock on your bike, that is not even attached to anything, will suffice in keeping your bike safe. See attached picture of the bikes outside the main train station in Copenhagen. It was so nice to see. They also have their own part of the road that cant be used by cars or pedestrians. I guess our problem is that a) we don't have the space on the roads and b) cycling is being adapted into our roads (lanes etc...) whereas the Danes have grown up with that being the norm.
I loved cycling in Copenhagen, and the city itself is AMAZING. It's one of my favourite places in the world (up there with Montreal!). But re: right of way over cars. Isn't it like that here technically? I always thought that's what the big green gap at stop lights tacitly implied... Maybe I should take one of those cycling courses it seems all you guys did in elementary school...
I loved cycling in Copenhagen, and the city itself is AMAZING. It's one of my favourite places in the world (up there with Montreal!). But re: right of way over cars. Isn't it like that here technically? I always thought that's what the big green gap at stop lights tacitly implied... Maybe I should take one of those cycling courses it seems all you guys did in elementary school...