CHUG_IT - mate, sorry to have lost you. We got carried away with the open roads and broke the golden rule of lfgss rides: leave no man behind.
The reason those two army men were pissed off was probably because we ran into them 10 minutes earlier. After 5 mins of 'negotiations', we realised they weren't having any of it and headed off. We ended up at a greasy spoon in Southwark with the same bean to sausage ratio of yours. It was all good though.
CHUG_IT - mate, sorry to have lost you. We got carried away with the open roads and broke the golden rule of lfgss rides: leave no man behind.
The reason those two army men were pissed off was probably because we ran into them 10 minutes earlier. After 5 mins of 'negotiations', we realised they weren't having any of it and headed off. We ended up at a greasy spoon in Southwark with the same bean to sausage ratio of yours. It was all good though.
See you at the next one.