I've run into a ped, run into a parked car, run into the back of a few moving cars, been hit by numerous cars (mostly turning, one driving through roundabout and not seeing me), crashed in numerous road races (concussion, blood, etc) one getting me an interview for local newspaper, crashed mountain biking (a lot, once smashing my collarbone), crashed on the track (still got scars), i've done the trackstand collapse and the 0kph-forgot-i'm-clipped-in stack, drunk wheelie up curb that failed when bars came back with me and front wheel just plowed into curb and I flew, jumping water channel on bmx and chain came off (missed school coz i couldn't walk), same thing caused large blood loss in a race against my brother (still have the scars on most limbs), smashed a couple of helmets thanks to fscked headset and missing a downhill corner in a race, got my bmx wheel stuck under car bumper when not looking, smashed my phone (but not ipod) in head-on with a motorbike in Luxembourg, etc, etc...
bmmf: what about the black ice on the l2b?
I've run into a ped, run into a parked car, run into the back of a few moving cars, been hit by numerous cars (mostly turning, one driving through roundabout and not seeing me), crashed in numerous road races (concussion, blood, etc) one getting me an interview for local newspaper, crashed mountain biking (a lot, once smashing my collarbone), crashed on the track (still got scars), i've done the trackstand collapse and the 0kph-forgot-i'm-clipped-in stack, drunk wheelie up curb that failed when bars came back with me and front wheel just plowed into curb and I flew, jumping water channel on bmx and chain came off (missed school coz i couldn't walk), same thing caused large blood loss in a race against my brother (still have the scars on most limbs), smashed a couple of helmets thanks to fscked headset and missing a downhill corner in a race, got my bmx wheel stuck under car bumper when not looking, smashed my phone (but not ipod) in head-on with a motorbike in Luxembourg, etc, etc...