• #2
i always watch the bbc forecast, i find that generally accurate, more so than the 5 day or 24 hour list.
• #3
That second one is funny - the speed of the animations totally matches the rate of change in the real world :)
• #4
i find the metoffice for up to 48hrs in adv. the 24-28hr adv for should i plan a ride or not decisions...the 0-24hr adv for what-to-wear, waterproof-or-not decisions. only been 'mis-informed' couple of times the last 6mths
• #5
I use accuweather.com for hour-by-hour forecast up to 2 weeks in advance. It's useless beyond 5 days I reckon, but comforting.
Select forecast > hourly forecast. -
• #6
I use seaweed.
• #7
I check cows in fields.
• #8
London Fields?
• #9
The Bible has pretty much all you need to know about most things.
• #10
I've just read it but it doesn't seem to say if it'll rain tomorrow.
• #11
The Met Office gadget is a good little add-in for Firefox; forecast as above and near live radar and satellite maps view in a sidebar
• #12
I've just read it but it doesn't seem to say if it'll rain tomorrow.
Just checked, it clearly mentions some stuff about rape, the killing of the first born and smiting, I might stay in.
• #13
BBC feed is a pile of wank that's been left in the rain and runs diluted in all directions.. -
• #14
Keep an eye on the video forecast on the text service of BBCi. Updated every couple of hours, it's only available on DSAT (satellite) and not DTT (freview boxes, etc) though. But possibly on their website, ICBA to check though.
• #15
I use accuweather.com for hour-by-hour forecast up to 2 weeks in advance. It's useless beyond 5 days I reckon, but comforting.
Select forecast > hourly forecast.I like this - it says it's going to be 19 degrees on 25 April... I can feel the first BBQ of the year coming on.
Plus International Weather Expert Jim Andrews is turning me a little gay, just through his rugged good looks...
• #16
Plus International Weather Expert Jim Andrews is turning me a little gay, just through his rugged good looks...
I can see why but can't believe you went for that gag when the next expert down is called Joe Bastardi.
• #17
i use metcheck but not the cycling one just the ordinary one, i also use accuweather, i find them better than the bbc and met office sites. evidently metcheck uses data from U.S satellite's and weather models as the met office data is too expensive.
• #18
Just checked, it clearly mentions some stuff about rape, the killing of the first born and smiting, I might stay in.
shit i got all my chapters fucked... i thought it was virgin sacrifice night and i just had my robe dry cleaned.
• #19
This one's great for checking current local conditions.
• #20
i know the guy who owns metcheck so i tend to use that. did a snowboard season with him in tignes last year, bloody nice guy
• #21
+1 to accuweather
• #22
wunderground for us of a
accuweather for uk
if the fourm getting a weather feed?
• #23
if the fourm getting a weather feed?
Good guess. But only if a good enough source can be found.
• #24
so i have a chance to do my victory dance now?
• #25
+1 for the bbc
Which is the most accurate do you reckon?
The BBC seems dodgy as hell, but they use the Met Office feed which is generally alright.
I like this one:
And this one:
But are there better?