thanks for all the messages guys and gals - they kept me smiling whilst bored in the hospital.
the op is done and the bone bits look good. i MAY need another one to sort out ligaments, i'll find out next tuesday :-(
I'll be at home for the next week, probably a lot longer so i should be able to get my post rate up, if i can overcome the painkiller laziness.
laters taters
ps - just realized that that all sounded quite optimistic. i don't feel that way - this shit is serious and will fuck me up for sometime. stay careful out there: especially when filtering at any kind of speed - swerving beats the shit out of braking, I've discovered.
get well soon, in the meantime i recommend daytime tv and copious amounts of cake.
get well soon, in the meantime i recommend daytime tv and copious amounts of cake.