There's a big two page article in the Living South* magazine on Whitcomb this month, it doesn't mention the price hike.
for non southies, its a pointless mag aimed at the East Dulwich Yummy Mum with a Sisyphan bent for buying endless glossy knick knacks and a new four bed roomed house for circa £750k in an edgy urban area.
Not to mention driving the X5 to the wine bar, getting pissed up on chardonnay every lunchtime and meeting vacuous friends with whom she discusses a potential liaison with the gardener before picking up Tarquin and Hermione.
Not to mention driving the X5 to the wine bar, getting pissed up on chardonnay every lunchtime and meeting vacuous friends with whom she discusses a potential liaison with the gardener before picking up Tarquin and Hermione.