well as of today i have no where to stay in Denver, and no reason to do so. got just over a month in the usofa and im trying to pick a town, have ruled out NYC due to cost of living and how hard it is to find short stay places to live. LA is out, because its LA, Florida is out. so if you could live any where in the US for a month, where would you go and why?
Top runners are
Portland, OR- hypsterville
Atlanta, GA- its warm
Ashvile NC- its warm hypsterville
Slat Lake City, UT- got a good mate, and have you ever seen SLC punk?
well as of today i have no where to stay in Denver, and no reason to do so. got just over a month in the usofa and im trying to pick a town, have ruled out NYC due to cost of living and how hard it is to find short stay places to live. LA is out, because its LA, Florida is out. so if you could live any where in the US for a month, where would you go and why?
Top runners are
Portland, OR- hypsterville
Atlanta, GA- its warm
Ashvile NC- its warm hypsterville
Slat Lake City, UT- got a good mate, and have you ever seen SLC punk?