• I took out a lady a few weeks back - she didn't look when crossing the road, I shouted whooaaah, and then all of me and my bike smacked her square on, which resulted in us both sprawling on the road. She was fairly fucked, and I made sure she was all right, which is a lot more than any one else around did. I could've hurled a stream of cusses at her (which I am prone to do), but felt it wasn't really needed - I just wanted to get out of there really.

    I don't think giving her some shit would have acted as a future deterant, as I'm fairly sure having a load of bike and fakenger piling into her at 15ish mph served that purpose - I do give these fucking Mr Magoo types grief generally cos I don't want to end up under a bus due to their idiocy, but this one in particular will now look before crossing the road
