• Might make for a nice evening out in the Spring / summer, 10 mile t.t. Easiest for south east people but late you could get a train back when finished into central could have a little group of people riding out. Anyone fancy it?

    last years deatils and other info http://www.cycleclub-bexley.org.uk/evening_10s.html

    From the website


    Evening "10" Series 2008

    The evening 10 series for this year are to be run on Wednesday Evenings from 23rd April until 20th August with a break of one week probably on Wednesday 25th June for the Barbecue.

    As at the end of February the course is still being obstructed by roadworks. A water main is being laid and we have enquired as to the scheduled completion date. We are informed that this is the end of March, but is likely to overrun.

    The work should be finished by the start of our 10's, the 23rd April, but it is possible that it may not be and our first events will have to be cancelled. We will keep you informed via this website.

    Results of the 2007 series, and from earlier years, can be followed from the link below.

