teenslain Just picked up a San Marco Regal on t'Bay for the Mercian, the rails are really weird tho'... I popped down to BLB to see if they had a nice clean Campy aero seatpost for it and they said they'd never seen rails like it and I'd never get a clamp to fit!! Haven't had a chance to try it on my current seatpost yet, but any ideas? I've never seen rails like that either... Excuse crap phone pics... Cheers muchly, Joe
I've owned one of those I think (a Regal Girardi with copper rivets?). These rails were used in the mid-80s for a year or two. They should fit a Campagnolo (maybe Campag but never Campy this side of the pond!) aero seatpost without any trouble whatsoever. The flared part of the rails sits outside the clamp (if that makes sense?).