Just picked up a San Marco Regal on t'Bay for the Mercian, the rails are really weird tho'... I popped down to BLB to see if they had a nice clean Campy aero seatpost for it and they said they'd never seen rails like it and I'd never get a clamp to fit!! Haven't had a chance to try it on my current seatpost yet, but any ideas? I've never seen rails like that either... Excuse crap phone pics... Cheers muchly, Joe
Just picked up a San Marco Regal on t'Bay for the Mercian, the rails are really weird tho'... I popped down to BLB to see if they had a nice clean Campy aero seatpost for it and they said they'd never seen rails like it and I'd never get a clamp to fit!! Haven't had a chance to try it on my current seatpost yet, but any ideas? I've never seen rails like that either... Excuse crap phone pics... Cheers muchly, Joe