asm hmm.. what's the quickest way to get from waterloo bridge to charing x road (tottenham court road end)? This has annoyed me all year.
right now i go over westminster bridge, go round parliament square, up and round trafalgar square then up charing x road, because from what i can tell no matter which way you go through covent garden it takes longer and requires going the wrong way down 1 way streets. Dunno why but this winds me up loads!
I go over waterloo bridge then straight over through the little cycle pavement bit, up to covent garden by the round about with the glasses shop on the corner, over round about down to the nice chip shop left past Rokit right over the cobbles onto neals yard the right opposite forbiden planet and left round past the intrepid fox. i reckon thats definatly the quickest way and its always empty of cars and people most the time. Sorry i know no street names i go by shops!!
I go over waterloo bridge then straight over through the little cycle pavement bit, up to covent garden by the round about with the glasses shop on the corner, over round about down to the nice chip shop left past Rokit right over the cobbles onto neals yard the right opposite forbiden planet and left round past the intrepid fox. i reckon thats definatly the quickest way and its always empty of cars and people most the time. Sorry i know no street names i go by shops!!