I run a discs on my Surly 1x1 which has horizontal rear mounting drop outs. It is a little bit of a faff in terms of every time I take the wheel out I have to slacken off the nuts on the disc caliper and to moveit out of the way of the disc as the wheel is pulled out, but this is only seconds of work each time. I first went with a Surly Tug Nut chain tug as I was told I would only need one, but I had a few problems when I grabbed a big handful of brake I tended to pull the wheel out of alignment. Since then I have added another chain tug on the other side to guard against this. It is by no means ideal, but it works and is'nt really to much of an issue.
I run a discs on my Surly 1x1 which has horizontal rear mounting drop outs. It is a little bit of a faff in terms of every time I take the wheel out I have to slacken off the nuts on the disc caliper and to moveit out of the way of the disc as the wheel is pulled out, but this is only seconds of work each time. I first went with a Surly Tug Nut chain tug as I was told I would only need one, but I had a few problems when I grabbed a big handful of brake I tended to pull the wheel out of alignment. Since then I have added another chain tug on the other side to guard against this. It is by no means ideal, but it works and is'nt really to much of an issue.