• #52
a frame?! fuck it if that's up for grabs i'll get in on the act! A design contest would go down a treat I reckon.
• #53
In all seriousness though, I reckon the prize wouldn't have to be that big to get people contributing :)
• #54
well i smell a design competition... with a prize, frame if i can afford to give one away.... maybe cash for logo frame for a website?
• #55
Object I'll grant you that the "C" should have been a capital letter. It is considered gramatically correct to miss the "s" after the apotrophe though.
Look at this bit again: "Such sources permit possessive singulars like these: Socrates' later suggestion; James's house, or James' house, depending on which pronunciation is intended."
If you want it pronounced /krisiz/ then it's got to be Chris's.
This kind of thing pushes my buttons :S
• #56
BillB old style stem where the length is adjustable, fit a 4w LED in the end
Great minds must think alike, I'm already working on this, have got as far as finalising lug designs, final product still a couple of months off, but watch this space:)
• #57
As we are on the subject of custom frames. Any comments about Villiers? http://villiers-velo.co.uk/Villiers-Velo/main.htm
I think I spotted one the other day. Blue and very pretty.
• #58
Faced with two identical bikes, one labelled 'N+1' and the other labelled 'Chris Crash', I'd pick the one labelled Chris Crash every time. N+1 is just too impersonal. Chris Crash is much more human, expressive, funny, charming etc - those sort of things matter to me.
I ride a Roberts - not very funny but I've bought into the heritage and tradition. History and a human story matters.
• #59
cheers all, seems like Crash Cycle Co. is winning out... im thinking of http://www.crashbikes.com if i can get it for a web page...
• #60
Sorry dude, been taken..
domain: crashbikes.com
created: 16-Apr-2002
last-changed: 05-Sep-2007
registration-expiration: 16-Apr-2008nserver: ns17.schlund.de
nserver: ns18.schlund.destatus: CLIENT-TRANSFER-PROHIBITED
registrant-firstname: Bernhard
registrant-lastname: Beiner
registrant-street1: Abtshofer Str. 41
registrant-pcode: 41066
registrant-city: Moenchengladbach
registrant-ccode: DE
registrant-phone: +49.1702933430
registrant-fax: +49.2161247238 -
• #61
Chris Crash Cycle Co is great and could be abbreviated to C4 which is nice and has that 'This bike is a pipe bomb' kind of vibe.
Did you get my whisper Chris? -
• #62
flickwg established name and good quality come hand in hand
raleigh, claud butler....the two most established names in Britain.....good quality?
• #63
JOL Chris Crash Cycle Co is great and could be abbreviated to C4 which is nice and has that 'This bike is a pipe bomb' kind of vibe.
Did you get my whisper Chris?i did, some one said design contest, and i said cash prize, maybe a frame if your creative types are lucky, im liking C4, and have been doodleing some thing to stamp on forks and bb shells, but will hold a contest when im back in london town.
• #64
But Crash Cycles has such an enchantingly suicidal ring to it.
asm you could well be on to something, maybe a design contest and winner gets a prize (thinking cash possibly a frame... how much do you artsy types expect for your work)