fatboyralph VB, chris crash's stolen bike blog is not in the "Links" section. deserves a quick link
ChrisCrash, how about putting up a stat table in your blog on what locks (brand-model) were used when bikes were stolen? would be interested to see what the hit rate is on which lock
I'm trying to get his info, but people dont tend to include the exact details of broken locks when they email me, i ask for them get them some times most times I dont.
and Stolen bike london (AKA my wallet) offers a reward for any info on messengers bikes that gets them recovered.
I'm trying to get his info, but people dont tend to include the exact details of broken locks when they email me, i ask for them get them some times most times I dont.
and Stolen bike london (AKA my wallet) offers a reward for any info on messengers bikes that gets them recovered.