h2o [quote]danger joel h2o, he did fuck up the front wheel.
You're getting into the spirit of it now...
What I mean is, don't downplay the damage like you did in your first post, and write the guy a letter asking him to cover the costs. Point out that you could take it to court and then he can explain to a magistrate why it is you happen to have his licence plate and a police letter confirming your story.
Lot more lucrative for you and a lot less likely to get you arrested than petty vandalism.[/quote]
what your saying isnt untrue, i am getting a new wheelset, and forks, but the forks part is my own fault.
You're getting into the spirit of it now...
What I mean is, don't downplay the damage like you did in your first post, and write the guy a letter asking him to cover the costs. Point out that you could take it to court and then he can explain to a magistrate why it is you happen to have his licence plate and a police letter confirming your story.
Lot more lucrative for you and a lot less likely to get you arrested than petty vandalism.[/quote]
what your saying isnt untrue, i am getting a new wheelset, and forks, but the forks part is my own fault.