[quote]delphina Ohh, this is makes me so angry... :p,
Damn Pc's...
Well.. I'm sure the mac version will be betterm and faster :D..
(had no sleep insomniac again.. sorry for being bitchy..)
Remember it is Window that slows down a pc, linux is does not.[/quote]
yes, You are right about that, but PC's store's so much hidden shite that takes up space..
Anyway... The point is, I love my Mac, the only thing I treasure the most after my bike.. cries...
Remember it is Window that slows down a pc, linux is does not.[/quote]
yes, You are right about that, but PC's store's so much hidden shite that takes up space..
Anyway... The point is, I love my Mac, the only thing I treasure the most after my bike.. cries...