I wake up this afternoon with a huge birthday/FA Cup hangover, read the paper, see the article, log on, read this thread, see wheels'/Tynan's Shop job, big smile...
I heart this forum... :)
@ Roxy & Andypancake: Is that a rock star "28"? I've been "28" for, ooh, 13 years now... ;)
Can't understand why they've got that King Kog pic on the page when a Roxy or FGLondon pic would've been the obvious choice... Silly article, very poor editorial, particularly enjoyed the extensively researched origins of fixed-wheel cycling...
My tuppence, I'm off back to bed...
I wake up this afternoon with a huge birthday/FA Cup hangover, read the paper, see the article, log on, read this thread, see wheels'/Tynan's Shop job, big smile...
I heart this forum... :)
@ Roxy & Andypancake: Is that a rock star "28"? I've been "28" for, ooh, 13 years now... ;)
Can't understand why they've got that King Kog pic on the page when a Roxy or FGLondon pic would've been the obvious choice... Silly article, very poor editorial, particularly enjoyed the extensively researched origins of fixed-wheel cycling...
My tuppence, I'm off back to bed...