Before you get a new bike get it into your head to never ever assume a motorist is going to see you. You ought to ride at all times as if you are completely invisible that no-one can see you then and only then you will learn to dodge traffic. I don't want to lecture you pc but also I don't want to see you break your frigging neck. I had exactly the same thing happen to me the other day except I slowed down enough to dodge the car and then after I stopped the lady at the lights and we had a little chat about not losing our cool in traffic and looking BOTH ways. All was cool she was kinda cute so I told her I was too beautiful a human being to be run over . Buddha
Before you get a new bike get it into your head to never ever assume a motorist is going to see you. You ought to ride at all times as if you are completely invisible that no-one can see you then and only then you will learn to dodge traffic. I don't want to lecture you pc but also I don't want to see you break your frigging neck. I had exactly the same thing happen to me the other day except I slowed down enough to dodge the car and then after I stopped the lady at the lights and we had a little chat about not losing our cool in traffic and looking BOTH ways. All was cool she was kinda cute so I told her I was too beautiful a human being to be run over . Buddha