we had a police freebie bike tagging day at work, this is just a simple scannable chip about the size of a pill, but the mounting system could be used for this, it was a plastic thing a bit like a mini badminton shuttlecock that is pushed down the seat tube, now if you could power it by a simple rotating magnet on your BB (I'm thinking old style loose ball BB here, bond a magnet or two to the axle) and coil on the actual transmitter.
chris, yes it could be removed, but you would be fine if you worked fast, get the bike recovered before they have time to strip it
we had a police freebie bike tagging day at work, this is just a simple scannable chip about the size of a pill, but the mounting system could be used for this, it was a plastic thing a bit like a mini badminton shuttlecock that is pushed down the seat tube, now if you could power it by a simple rotating magnet on your BB (I'm thinking old style loose ball BB here, bond a magnet or two to the axle) and coil on the actual transmitter.
chris, yes it could be removed, but you would be fine if you worked fast, get the bike recovered before they have time to strip it