Ummm. How long is a piece of string? What's the store selling? Who are the customers? That shapes things tremendously.
Your raise more questions than you answer. From a "this is where I buy bike stuff" perspective they're all about the same - there is no difference between wiggle, cyclesurgery, evans, and the smaller ones beyond stock size. Same layout, same alphabetical list of "stuff" in the left navbar, different colors.
Feel free to whisper details. Happy to brain dump.
Ummm. How long is a piece of string? What's the store selling? Who are the customers? That shapes things tremendously.
Your raise more questions than you answer. From a "this is where I buy bike stuff" perspective they're all about the same - there is no difference between wiggle, cyclesurgery, evans, and the smaller ones beyond stock size. Same layout, same alphabetical list of "stuff" in the left navbar, different colors.
Feel free to whisper details. Happy to brain dump.