trampsparadise [quote]pj [quote]trampsparadise [quote]pjlife of a messenger:
lay in bed past three or four 'snoozes' from alarm.
get up,
call into your controller and say your on the road
eat 3 breakfasts consisting of carbs, carbs, and carbs. Add soya milk or whatever is this weeks idea for maximum energy, minimum waste.
wait for job.
listen to hardcore techno, old school punk rock and/or hip-hop on your ipod to get in the mood, OR read some psuedo-political/transcendental/spiritual book that allows for rationalization of lifestyle.
wait for job.
put on the same carefully colour co-ordinated outfit, jersey, black 3/4 length trousery combo, black shoes that you wore yesterday, and the day before,and the one before that. Though socks may be changed.
wait for job.
If it's winter stuff shoes with paper. If it's summer, spring, winter, or fall, curse yourself for forgetting to put gloves, shoe liners, etc on radiator to dry the night before.
wait for job.
check your email, surf the web, text your mates on your company's XDA,
wait for job.
pack bag to weigh at least 5 pounds before even picking up first package of the day. curse yourself for forgetting to take out yesterday's (last week's) now smushed food from bag.
get first job of the day.
ride around town, not being paid properly for your wealth of knowledge of London's streets and you can only laugh when black cabbie asks you for directions OR ride around town stealing work off of skilled knowledgeable couriers while you think you're being cool by being a 'real-life messenger' but you quit come winter.
Go to pub, talk about near misses and bike parts. Drink beer like it's the holy grail.
don't even bother to wonder if you even have unique proletariat values
get hit one too many times, learn a trade, move into a profession = quit.
become a controller = quit
die = quit
game over.
There, corrected.[/quote]
wife and girlfriend's point of view