RPM I've got a charge! it's a play bike. singlespeed, one brake. until I can afford gears and a front brake. this is a cheap bike, made up from ebay bits, s/h stuff off mates and donations cost about £220 so far.. with £1000 you could rule the world
RPM I've got a charge!
it's a play bike. singlespeed, one brake. until I can afford gears and a front brake.
this is a cheap bike, made up from ebay bits, s/h stuff off mates and donations
cost about £220 so far..
with £1000 you could rule the world
after seeing superted on his stove y'day, i was thinking about get one, chopping off the rear brake and rebuilding the rear wheel to fixed. http://www.wiggle.co.uk/ProductDetail.aspx?Cat=cycle&ProdID=5360026612
@dogsballs started
London Fixed Gear and Single-Speed is a community of predominantly fixed gear and single-speed cyclists in and around London, UK.
This site is supported almost exclusively by donations. Please consider donating a small amount regularly.
after seeing superted on his stove y'day, i was thinking about get one, chopping off the rear brake and rebuilding the rear wheel to fixed.