Had a fker coming the other way turn across my lane off to (my) left. I could see him watching me, waiting til the cars were past, then specifically turn into my path.
Then he stopped, waited for me to break, stared me then grinned and drove off.
Really fking odd the attitude some drivers have towards cyclists. Way they act you'd think they were the ones in danger from us...
But at the same time you've got to stop from making it some 'us or them' thing in your head. I know a lot of safe drivers. I see a lot of drivers waiting patiently for a safe time to overtake, then doing so with a wide clearance.
I just think they should enforce a mandatory 6 months spent cycling on the roads as a part of the driving test. The thing is that most drivers have literally no idea how dangerous it can be for cyclist on the roads, or how intimidating it can be to share the road with a careless/dangerous driver - the cyclist has no 'bargaining power' like other road users do; no loud horn, no 2-ton safety cage, no large presence...
If you look at it in basic terms of perception, a driver's mind is gonna pay a lot more attention to a big-ass lorry than the thin line the cyclist makes in the rear-view mirror. Threat-perception-wise, we're not on the radar. Problem of a society largely based on competition and violence...
Maybe we should develop some big-ass wing things with giant eyes that we can flash at drivers who get too close. Seems to work for moths...
Had a fker coming the other way turn across my lane off to (my) left. I could see him watching me, waiting til the cars were past, then specifically turn into my path.
Then he stopped, waited for me to break, stared me then grinned and drove off.
Really fking odd the attitude some drivers have towards cyclists. Way they act you'd think they were the ones in danger from us...
But at the same time you've got to stop from making it some 'us or them' thing in your head. I know a lot of safe drivers. I see a lot of drivers waiting patiently for a safe time to overtake, then doing so with a wide clearance.
I just think they should enforce a mandatory 6 months spent cycling on the roads as a part of the driving test. The thing is that most drivers have literally no idea how dangerous it can be for cyclist on the roads, or how intimidating it can be to share the road with a careless/dangerous driver - the cyclist has no 'bargaining power' like other road users do; no loud horn, no 2-ton safety cage, no large presence...
If you look at it in basic terms of perception, a driver's mind is gonna pay a lot more attention to a big-ass lorry than the thin line the cyclist makes in the rear-view mirror. Threat-perception-wise, we're not on the radar. Problem of a society largely based on competition and violence...
Maybe we should develop some big-ass wing things with giant eyes that we can flash at drivers who get too close. Seems to work for moths...